formulae: hop + e
About The Author
Peter Spencer
Born and Bred in Blighty
Dragged over to the US by my American Wife, Ashley
Currently residing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana with the In-Laws, Joe and Dianne
A hard working (or should that be hardly working) mechendiser for 7up
Pretend to play guitar, and love music


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Dave Bennett
Mark Titorenko
Tim Cooke
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Welcome to Ramblings Of An Englishman And His American Bird (And Baby Toby) Hover your cursor over the little circles for a pleasant surprise! =D

In Which I Hear Two Heartbeats In One Body! / Monday, June 27, 2005

Well doesn't that sound exciting?! I heard our baby's heart! It really is exciting. One worry that's gone (well kinda, it's really a bit constant) and a million other ones that are going to be about for the rest of my life. Hurrah! Honestly, if you think the worlds a bad place now, wait until you're expecting. Then it's the same but everything is highlighted and underlined already for you!

So that's the big news. Our baby is alive and doing well. Unfortunatly the mother isn't faring so well. She's always in pain, and still feeling nauseous. She tells me that feeling nauseous this late in the pregnancy means it's either twins or a girl (please let it just be a girl! Although twins would be good - a drummer and a bassist! (j/k)) Still the main point is that Ash ain't feeling too hot. Well actually she says she's feeling very hot, but you know what I mean.

The slightly smaller news is that Ash is great! She bought me a ticket to go and see Ben Harper! Woohoo! It's in a pretty small venue (about 2/3rds the size of the Hexagon) so it's just going to be me, Ben, Tom Freund (his support and the guy that he made his debut limited edition vinal only lp with), their crews, the venue staff, and 1199 other fans there. Sould be pretty darn cool! Woohoo! I've always wanted to see Ben live, and now I'm going to! Woohoo!

Other news.... Did I tell you dudes that I've started work on my Godzilla album? I've got five songs, a couple of them are a little sketchy but the rest of them sound alright (for starters anyhow) I play them for Ash, but she never wants to hurt my feelings so I've only got my opinion to go on. I've also written a couple of other songs, but the connection on this computer is really slow so I haven't uploaded them just in case you were wondering where all my creativeness has gone! Of course most of you probably don't know what I'm talking about anyhow. It's alright, it doesn't really bother me much anyhow. If you're curious to what I'm talking about it's here:

Take care folks!

P.S. I just checked my counter on the affekopf website. Two people have visited it! I'm sure I've given out the address to more people than that! Well, I guess it's better than hearing what I already know - my music sucks!

7:10 PM


In Which Umm.... / Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Alright, not much going on. So I'll just talk about stuff.

Good films I've seen recently:

Stander - The best American movie I've seen since erm.... dunno... some film made by an American. It's based on a true story of a chief of police in South Africa who is peed off with aparthied so he goes against authority by robbing banks during his lunch hour. Couldn't make that up eh? One of the banks he robs has the taskforce that is trying to catch them right next door (not exactly true, actually the taskforce was above the bank) he's got some real balls! Even the commentry was pretty interesting. Rent it today!

The other two are Hero and The House of Daggers. They're both directed by the same bloke. They're both martial arts movies, but don't let that put you off. They actually have like proper plots and acting and dialogue, you know all the things that are usually missing from normal matial arts movies. Hero is one of the most visually stunning movies I've seen, and House of Daggers shows how martial arts can show a completely new look on romance that couldn't be shown in your sappy rom-coms! So chicks: rent out House of Daggers to see proper romance without all that mushy stuff!

Other news: I've actually started working on that musical version of Godzilla as well. I have three songs sketched out so far, it's taking me an awful lot of reserch to get it though, and it may be a little harder to do than I first thought. I think that I've used as many words in those three songs as there are in the whole movie!

Anyhooo bed time. goodnight!

7:44 PM


In Which I Get Back In Contact / Saturday, June 11, 2005

Whoops! It's been a while eh?

Well I have excuses, at least an excuse for last weekend anyhow. We went to Ash's college reunion. It was alright, we didn't really do much though. Oh there was one thing that was interesting. On Saturday night I was sitting in the entrance hall reading the paper, suddenly I hear all this giggling and wheels coming down the hall. A bunch of odds (people who graduated in and odd year) had stolen the even horse (even being people who graduated in even years, I have no idea why they have a horse. The odds have a tree) the horse is made out of plaster cast so it's kind of odd looking really. The horse came out and so did the ladies. It was just me sitting there, then the word slowly got around and there was groups of ladies turning up. Soon enough there was hundreds of ladies standing around (Oh Ash went to RMWC which is a womens college, that's why they were all ladies) there was at least three generations there. The oldest graduated in the 40's so it was quite a unique crowd really. The horse was put in the middle of a split staircase. Some of the odds got on one side and some of the evens got on the other side and they had a sing off. They have special odd and even songs, it's all very interesting.

Anyhow, that was the intrest. They had a talk on the Reading program. They've been going there since 74. The BP garage was met with fond memories of it's convienience by the girls who were there when it was. I met up with some people that I used to serve while I was working there. It made me feel homesick. It's alright though I can handle it!

This weekend Father Vic and Chandler from St. Margrets were in town so I spent some tme hanging out with them. We went to the National Cathedral which is kind of interesting because it's all new looking. The stained glass is crazy! We went and ate in Georgetown and drove around the mall at night to see all the monuments lit up. It was good to see them, they made me miss Baton Rouge! Honestly!

I'm now working at Lexus, which is great. I'm away from the awful Frankie. It's much more relaxed at Lexus, and I only work half a day. I have to work for Lasership in the afternoon to make up the rest of my money. I think it's probably a good thing.

We've got to get out of Washington and back to baton rouge as soon as possible for Ash's mental health. I have to find a job with benefits down there first though. I've been looking, but there isn't really very much down there apart from with the state and I have to do an exam before I can get a job there.

I think that's about it really. Sorry it's not that in depth but it's late. Goodnight!

10:03 PM
