In Which I'm Leaving For England! / Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'll be there at about 10ish in the morning local time. Email me you phone number if you want to meet up in Reading. I'll be in Scotland from Monday for a week. I don't mind going to the pub as soon as I get there (whether the wife will let me is a different matter....) my email is I intend to check it as soon as I get to Reading. Even if I once had your number you can still email it to me to be sure.
See you tomorrow!
9:05 AM
In Which I let You All Know I'm Very Happy / Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I went on a retreat this weekend. It gave me a chance to step out of my life and actually look at it. I think I'm the happiest I have ever been! Especially when I look back to where I was last year. Prayers have been answered! I am truely blessed! A quick list:
1. I was working 12 hours a day in New Orleans, and am now working 6 hours a day just down the road!
2. Ashley was in a very very bad place a year ago, and now she is doing much better. Even with all the yuck pregnancy things and hormones and stuff I actually see her smiling!
3. The love that Toby and Ash have for each other is becoming more apparent every day (this helps out number 2 immensely)
4. I am going home in a couple of weeks and am geting a chance to see my family and friends!
5. We are a month (or maybe two) away from being debt free!
6. We're only a few months away from mving into a place of our own (that's a prayer still in progress)
7. I'm happy!
and that's just off the top of my head. God is great!
10:12 AM
In Which I Wish You All A Happy Easter! / Thursday, April 05, 2007
Happy Easter Everyone!
I guess you want a bit more than that don't you? *sigh* Alright.
Ash is doing okay, well actually the baby II (The Sequel) is doing okay, because Ash is feeling sick and tired all the time (for those of you that don't know, sickness is a sign that the baby is doing well. At least that's what they say, that might just be to make mummies to be happier about feeling bad...)
I'm tired and stressed right now. I had a meeting at work the other day and my big boss basically said to all us merchendisers "You're all a bunch of scum, and a load of slackers. I can replace you any time I want to." Which wasn't really a very productive way to talk. We're alos looking for a house, which is turning out to be harder than we first anticipated. It seems no-one wants to give us a mortgage, at least not a big enough mortgage for a three bedroom house anywhere where we wouldn't be running the risk of getting shot everyday (weighing that option up against living with the in-laws.... I'll take living with the in-laws!)
Toby is doing great, he has to go and see a speech therapist because he isn't really saying any words yet. He's signing a few words, but I'm not really sure if he knows what they really mean, or if he's just copying us. I'm sure he's fine, he might just be a bit slow like his daddy was (I didn't start walking until I was 18 months) but a bit of speech therapy certainly isn't going to hurt him.
That's all I've got really. Mark you calenders, I'm going to be back in Blighty between April 28th and May 13th!
Also I am now a member of Facebook ( you can look me up there if you want! Most of my photos are of Toby, but that's a lot better than looking at my ugly mug!
10:01 PM