In Which I Do A Day In My Life / Sunday, September 09, 2007
It's right here:
You can have a look if you want.
As far as news goes there's good news and bad news...
The bad news is that Ash is sick. She has a cold and been as she's preggo as well it means that it feels worse than it would for any normal kind of human being. She also got her face scratched by Max. Here's a picture:
Max was sleeping next to Ash and something started him. He decided to run across Ashley and jump off the bed.
The good news is that I got the promotion, right now however I'm back mechendising again, but it's alright because I'm getting paid an ASMs salary to do it!
The other good news is we got ourselves another cat. Max really need a companion been as Ash and I are away everyday. Her name is Georgie and here's a picture of her.... Alright there's not a picture of her, the computer is rufusing to play nice. Anyway she's a sweetie. She's white with black dots, in fact she looks like a feline version of a cow.
We painted the kitchen, living room and our bedroom. The alllook very nice now, it's made the house a lot more homely. It was all the same colours all the way through, which was very boring. All we've got to do now is finish unpacking and sort out the garden.
Tomorrow I'm going to try and build a stone drainage area round the outside of the house. It's good for two reasons, first the houses here don't have gutters, and second it makes it easier to spot termites, thirdly it just looks nice. Then I'm going to build a little sitting area out the back, some raised flowerbeds and a little area for a shed. We still have to put grass down but it's just a wee bit too hot still for that. Maybe in a couple of weeks we can do that. I want to get the flowerbeds in before that though.
Anyhow, I'm unpacking some stuff right now, so I'd better get back to it.
4:30 PM